We are closest to city of Tacuarembó, about 1 hour by car. Tacaurembó is 4 hours north of Montevideo from where there are several buses every day, including the bus companies Turil and Agencia Central.
We are one hour from the border with Brazil (Santana do Livramento, Brazil / Rivera, Uruguay) and 3 hours from the border with Argentina (Concordia, Argentina / Salto, Uruguay OR Colón, Argentina / Paysandú, Uruguay). From Salto, the bus company Turiani goes to Tacaurembó on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. From Paysandú, the buses are daily.
There is an overnight, direct bus from Buenos Aires to Tacuarembó 3 times per week (the bus company Gualeguaychu which runs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).
Free pick up from Tacaurembó!
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